Student Loans

The Opportunity to Achieve Financial Freedom
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Student Loan Attorney In Middle Tennessee

Do You Struggle To Pay Your Student Loans?

If you’re fighting an uphill battle to pay off your student loans, you’re not alone. With the cost of a college education, not to mention graduate school, at well over $20,000 a year, student loans can add up. Even with scholarships, grants, and family savings, the total amount students owe after four years of study can overwhelm anyone. And, even after a lifetime of high paying jobs, parents and grandparents who cosigned for their loved ones’ student loans often find it challenging to keep up with the payments. We can help you find the right option to get out of debt and get on with life. Discover how today!

Call Lafferty Law Firm, Inc. at 615-878-1926 to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today.

Student Loan Legal Advice at Every Step

Whether you’ve already graduated or you’re a parent of a prospective college student, it pays to contact us to look over your options. Our student loan attorney can help parents and students identify the most financially sound path to completion of higher education. And, if you’ve already graduated, we can steer you through the process to find the most advantageous repayment plan to get you on track to financial independence. And, even if you’re barely able to pay your rent due to student loan interest piling up, we will help you pursue the most favorable road forward. Don’t wait until the bills pile up even higher. Get in touch with us today!

But What If I’m Already in Default?

When you can’t pay the amount you owe according to your student loan repayment agreement, you’re in default. If your financial downturn isn’t a temporary one, and you can’t see any prospects for getting caught up on your payments, the sooner you seek legal representation, the better. We can work with you to get you into a more workable repayment program, such as PAYE, REPAYE, an income-based repayment plan, such as an IBR or IDR, or a consolidation plan. While bankruptcy is always a last resort, and it’s difficult to obtain relief from student loans, we can help you explore all the possibilities to get you out of debt and into financial health. Don’t wait until your lenders garnish your wages or take your tax refunds. Get experienced legal help today!

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